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[嘉義] 最懷舊的味道最感動的日出



發表於 2017-7-6 13:42:23 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
最近又重看了星空這部電影,喚起我一直很想到爺爺的小屋拜訪的記憶,正好,) H9 Y  x5 {6 p, R: I* w7 r0 j( M
  p9 I5 y) ~; e& _6 T2 M+ `( _杉林木棧道→阿嬤的草仔粿→奮起湖大飯店(奮起湖便當)→奮起湖老街→星空童話木屋→奮起湖大飯店→阿里山日出* A) q; N8 R8 i2 J0 y  R6 Q' y
I recently watched the movie named “Starry Starry Night” which evoked my memory of visiting the blue house of the movie, so I finished the travel itinerary first, including accommodation booking then invited my sister to join me. My sister was the driver and the travel was for two days as follow:
4 j* X2 j8 ?' U& M' `' ICedar Wooden Plank Trail→A Ma’s grass cake→Fenchihu Lunchbox→FenChiHu Old Town→the blue house of the movie→sunrise of Mt.Ali

6 u( k% ^* G/ `6 S. Z% J0 g 6 d3 H& ^- v& ~% Q

8 h( e2 n9 r) ~第一天一早我們就先來個森林SPA,走在迂迴的階梯穿梭在林間,真的讓人感覺很放鬆很消暑,壓力煩惱一溜煙就不見,就這樣走到了中午,肚子有點餓,當然要吃一下很有名的草仔粿和奮起湖便當。草仔粿,有咬勁的麵糰再加上充滿香氣內餡,散發著古早味,便當的美味也不輸草仔粿,由於那天晚上我的住宿地點在奮起湖大飯店,他的便當也很有名,所以我們選擇品嘗在奮起湖眾多鐵路便當中的”奮起湖大飯店鐵路便當”果然沒讓我和姐姐失望,充滿小時候的味道~另外我們會選擇這間飯店的原因是他交通很方便,他位於阿里山公路及鐵路的中繼站,還有飯店自己的導覽行程,但我們最後還是決定照自己的行程走,聽別人說飯店導覽很好玩很詳細讓他們更了解奮起湖,聽到的瞬間會覺得有點可惜,下次如果有機會我會選擇參加飯店的導覽行程,來趟深入奮起湖之旅。
8 l0 G$ D  G% b3 m# O1 uWe took a forest shower on first day. It made me feel really relax and all the stress was gone when I walk through the forest. Till the lunch time, we had “A Ma’s grass cake” first. Its exterior was made from the mugwort and it tasted soft and sticky. The lunch box was delicious no less than grass cake! We had the lunch box of fenchihu hotel because we booked the room there, and its lunch box is famous as well. Another reason why we chose this hotel was that it’s really convenience to get there. In addition, fenchihu has his own tour guide to all the travelers who book his room. It’s really considerable and I bet you will know fenchihu much more. What’s pity was that we decided to follow our travel itinerary. We didn’t take part in the guided tour of fenchihu hotel. I will participate it next time.
* R% w6 M# u# W2 S( ?0 F3 hAnd the details of tour is here~

& c, y/ ]5 X8 x3 k, e% Q" ^4 _5 J ( f7 ]+ P7 y- z" k: k4 E

. y; b) `; d! q3 ` 9 h# E" F6 v: C; j$ l$ e: {
2 ^6 K# \7 g) Z8 Y. N$ M/ c/ {: [
+ J+ T. q3 x# o; j

7 r" F% {1 O$ J! I/ s: `& c% B
* f) z% @* ]6 [$ ^) C2 Y《飯店資訊》; L+ L" [& u# z  h2 ]# [
電話:05-25618886 R# V* Q6 ]! D
LINE ID:fenchihu_hotel4 K* B  `4 L9 u( ]# o
  N. W# h. u3 T( G訂房網址:https://www.ezhotel.com.tw/fenchihu/
1 Q' l: g  r0 Y* m地址:嘉義鄉竹崎鄉中和村奮起湖178之1號
, D$ u" g# n; Y5 q0 C
9 }8 p: g$ r' n2 U' c《information of fenchihu hotel》
* n+ K% L. {" B% m8 \( [& t. ATEL:05-2561888
4 p4 e) J. B5 F. aLINE ID:fenchihu_hotel: Q8 }' @: w4 f/ z5 }
2 K* g: ?5 C; mmake a reservation:https://www.ezhotel.com.tw/fenchihu/index.php?langtype=1' a/ c) B! O7 C8 L
ADD:No.178-1, Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
* ^/ L) x) Q( V2 p8 A: Q
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% f( F6 V, l5 ~8 j! _& P# d
PS.剛好快暑假了6 a# A/ }- Y. ]6 N( Z9 p. c
有個訂房優惠我剛好錯過,但還是要推薦給你們,因為真的很不錯唷$ W0 O# ~/ g' S9 {' w1 ?
. W# A' E% y/ h) N活動期間:8/22-24、8/28-313 v( X2 X9 k5 a( }, R5 q6 u& t
3 w' W. A0 C  T0 s0 ~: j' C1.本優惠不適用於團體、旅行社、車行(司機)
: Y$ i. H3 ?2 m* P0 y* J$ P2.完成訂房後,如更改日期至非優惠期間內,即視同取消所有優惠活動的資格
5 K5 B: _; k# i. ^0 E9 H! o3.飯店保留活動修改及終止權

' X& T& W! |9 k8 x4 r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' s2 M# Z( x3 J6 x1 \! R4 b1 t
Promotional Event. \4 {( I& R3 I. e
If you book the room on normal day,
& {- ?% y( b0 _0 S& f' l9 ^# V3 o" d, IYou will get free lunch boxes which depends on the room you booked.
& n3 }! L/ q8 v8 HPeriod:8/22-24、8/28-31
3 U! G' f$ f# `; X1. This offer is not applicable to groups, travel agencies, car (driver)7 z  @7 K& `+ s( _2 u* P3 j
2. Once the booking is completed. You might change the date to non-discount period and this offer would be canceled.% f) K7 j% F1 b
3. the hotel reserves the right of modification and termination of this promotional event.
' v3 _" J1 c5 X6 U: v0 y2 |
2 V9 c3 q- o. |

6 P. ?. S6 ^# w5 I7 ~" ]/ ]  D& ^吃完我和姊姊決定要來逛逛,邊走路邊消耗熱量,來這一定要逛的就是老街拉~
; ~- S/ ~* _" T4 ^) B# y, v奮起湖老街位於火車站下方,走在這條路上可以感覺到濃濃的懷舊味,這裡販賣著各種產品,有名的鐵路便當、甜甜圈、愛玉、藥膳愛玉鐵蛋、白熊面霜、木屐等等$ I7 q% Z* \' h
& b0 Q0 e9 E1 _* J1 [7 {0 o) hAfter we finished the lunch. My sister and I decided to stroll on the old street, we could burn calories at the same time. The old street is under the train station. In the street you could find various of things, such as donuts, ice jelly, clogs, etc. All the things there were interesting and all the food there were delicious. Then we walked along the path and found the blue house of the movie “Starry Starry night”. It was really beautiful and the work-bench was vivid. The scenes of the movie flash before us and I hope that I could move to the place like there when I am an old person. But I found it a little bit thrilling after sunset because no person there, only my sister and I left, we back to the hotel as soon as possible. We went to bed early coz we needed to get up early and saw the sunrise of Mt.Ali. I’ve always wanted to see it with my own eyes and I was really exiting. The place we chose to watch the sunrise was Tataka. You can watch the sunrise at Zhushan Sun-Watching Platform and Ogasawara Sun-Watching Platform as well. I have to say that the sunrise of Mt.Ali is the most impressive picture. I had never saw such beautiful scenery before. You really have to see it with your own eyes!! It was really a nice trip that I won’t forget it.

# y' P+ i9 O# _" K: C: P: Z  u4 ?+ R& D# r
4 |- p! L6 z& Y/ J4 m. r


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