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[英文] 英文励志美文阅读:Andrew Carnegie and His Philanthropy 安德鲁·卡内基和他的慈善事业

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英文励志美文阅读:Andrew Carnegie and His Philanthropy 安德鲁·卡内基和他的慈善事业+ J% v1 s) L  u3 @. L7 W6 e6 W

1 ^3 A# f. e. a9 `  y' b9 N  Carnegie spent almost twenty years left to him giving his wealth away. He believed that those who became rich should return what they did not need to society. He had said that a rich man "dies disgraced" if he does not use the ability he has shown ingathering money to give away his money for the public good during his lifetime.; R1 E( S2 }+ {8 B6 D! C5 A
- G$ m" M4 Z" U% @8 a  L. J  He began to use his money to build free public libraries. In 1919 it was said that his money had built almost 3,000 libraries, valued altogether at over sixty million dollars. Most of these were in the United States, but some of them were in Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, and even as far as the Fiji Islands.7 Z2 m# [+ T- w  C, G+ n
  他开始把他的钱用来兴建免费的公共图书馆。1919年,据说他的钱已经兴建了差不多三千座图书馆,总共估价大约六千万美元以上。这些图书馆大多数都在美国,但其中一部分在加拿大、英国、新西兰,甚至远在斐济群岛。/ U& A( C. u- C9 j
  A gift of four million dollars was made to Carnegie's hometown, Dunfermline, Scotland. It was used to build parks and playgrounds for the people of the town. Pittsburgh, where he made his fortune, was given a music hall, a museum, an art gallery, and a public library.+ v% `8 ~# P( p; G) L( D9 d
. \, }% `- ^+ @  Andrew Carnegie's public gifts amounted to almost three hundred and thirty million dollars. He gave one million, five hundred thousand dollars to the Peace Palace at the Hague in the Netherlands. After the war began in Europe in 1914, he gave his home, Skibo Castle in Scotland, to the British Government for use as an army hospital.
# f" H# b; v* O: H: b; P  安德鲁·卡内基的热心公益的馈赠达到三亿三千万美元左右。他赠给荷兰海牙和平官一百五十万美元。1914年战争在欧洲爆发后,他把自己在苏格兰斯基波城堡的住宅赠给英国政府用作陆军医院。
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