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[英文] 最美的英文励志美文阅读:Audrey Hepburn's Statement to Mem1ers of the United Nations Staff

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最美的英文励志美文阅读:Audrey Hepburn's Statement to Mem1ers of the United Nations Staff  5 ?& d5 Z) @: h5 e4 }
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! P- n& I' L& q% ^2 f# B  So today I speak for those children who cannot speak for themselves: children who are going blind through lack of vitamins; children who are slowly being mutilated by polio; children who are wasting away in so many ways through lack of water; for the estimated 100 million street children in this world who have no choice but to leave home in order to survite, who have absolutely nothing but their courage and their smiles and their dreams; for children who have no enemies yet are invariably the first tiny victims of war---wars what are no longer confined to the battlefield but which are being waged through terror and intimidation and massacre——children who are therefore growing up surrounded by the horrors of violence for the hundreds of thousands of children who are refugees.; O8 X3 t: f/ f
  因此,今天我是为那些不能为他们自己要求什么的儿童们说话:我为因为缺乏维生素而失明的儿童们、为正在被骨髓灰质炎伤害的儿童们、为因为缺乏饮用水而日渐衰弱的儿童们说话;我为世界上大约一亿流浪儿童说话,他们为了生存被迫离开家庭,他们除了勇气、微笑和梦想之外一无所有;我为战争中被伤害的儿童说话,他们没有任何敌人,但是在战火中却永远最先受到伤害。现在的战争不再仅限于战场,恐怖和屠杀正在各地蔓延。成千上万的儿童成为了难民,因此也在暴力恐怖的阴影下长大。& Q& H" F1 f8 p
  The task that lies ahead for UNICEF is ever greater, whether it be repatriating millions of children in Afghanistan or teaching children how to play who have only learned how to kill. Charles Dickens wrote, "In their little world, in which children have their existence, nothing is so finely perceived and so finely felt as injustice." Injustice which we can avoid by giving more of ourselves, yet we often hesitate in the face of such apocalyptic tragedy. Why, when the way and the low-cost means are there to safeguard and protect these children? It is for leaders, parents, and young people-young people, who have the purity of heart which age sometimes tends to obscure-to remember their own childhood and come to the rescue of those who start life against such heavy odds.; L- L  i) c2 \8 c1 W" ~
  摆在联合国儿童基金会面前的任务,无论是把几百万阿富汗难民儿童遣返,还是要教会这些只见过死亡的孩子们游戏,都是史无前例的艰巨。查理斯·狄更斯说过:“在他们自我存在的小世界里,没有什么比不公正更容易被儿童们感知和察觉。”我们可以通过更多的投入来避免不公平的现象,但是面对着这样不可避免的悲剧时,我们常常望而却步。为什么,选择采用低成本的方式来保护这些儿童?领导人、父母和年轻人——年轻人拥有尚未被岁月模糊掉的纯净的心灵一一应该记住他们自己的童年时代,应该去解救那些生下来就面临沉重负担的儿童。" |" c! k& k9 E% f' v! Y: z) ?( {  z
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