- 註冊時間
- 2023-11-8
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:394 天 連續簽到:1 天
焦糖~0 W8 U9 a7 I* J% Y8 Z4 G6 _$ m* f
細砂糖3大匙,約40公克6 r0 \4 x( Y1 l% s0 [3 V1 Y
水2大匙9 N6 y8 f9 Y! [$ t! J
0 T" ^' G- |# T布丁液~
$ @: s* b! ?, ]: I雞蛋2顆( B ~. m0 Y$ O6 p! _
細砂糖3大匙,約40公克# q( N' A2 u0 {4 w
2 K6 M0 a7 o; A5 {香草精或碎檸檬皮少許(選用)/ \4 Q0 L9 G. c, K9 V: W+ c1 p
其他熱水一壺8 }- c) ]7 K3 ~9 f G7 f
- S7 a3 s" z9 r8 ^; `1 n8 E5 C8.5公分布丁杯3個,塗上奶油
; Z- F3 Z, _% Q5 I, \, Y5 W5 Q9 i3 8.5cm pudding cups, coated with cream' M# }! V0 W6 s
平底鍋加入3大匙糖、2大匙水,開小火, O( y1 q/ H1 c5 \% b% J' `
Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water to the saucepan, and turn on the fire- Y$ P4 x4 Z, O$ F9 G% v
煮至糖溶解且焦糖化後,加入2大匙熱水0 K) m1 w, Q6 Q9 ~0 x/ K0 R
Cook until the sugar is dissolved and caramelized, then add 2 tablespoons of hot water, q F2 t. S9 n. B% ^
將煮好的焦糖倒入布丁杯 G$ u' Q0 ]+ o; B& k j: A$ W
Pour cooked caramel into pudding cups, h; ^7 }5 B" B+ t3 y) X5 R8 m
碗中打入2顆雞蛋,打散# Y& j& K9 b$ D4 n |, I
Break 2 eggs into a bowl, beat
# f: ]( F# y. ]加入3大匙糖,攪拌讓蛋與砂糖混合
& H/ m, p& W* u* F+ ?0 J/ V; dAdd 3 tablespoons of sugar and stir to combine the eggs with the sugar
" c8 F6 X' W4 T6 c3 D/ Z, V牛奶200cc倒入碗中,小火加熱到接近沸騰, C; d0 [! W O9 R6 u
Pour 200cc of milk into a bowl and heat it until it is close to boiling
; P% ~0 }% e V, u2 F1 X5 e) n將蛋液與牛奶混合,動作要快~避免蛋液變成蛋花. Z/ v. L, I# }7 O
Mix the egg liquid with the milk, the action should be fast ~ avoid the egg liquid into egg flower+ x7 {5 l1 x' u( K% o
* l+ V" X3 O2 |+ K4 }% h) ^Strain the pudding liquid once0 B) F' P5 {$ t) ?) d' D, e# x
5 z) K! [4 F+ [# k& HPour pudding liquid into pudding cups
- v1 Y2 j" c# {3 j8 f m$ v; R在裝有布丁杯的烤盤中倒入熱水,熱水高度為布丁杯的1/3! P6 o# p6 U7 J0 M6 Z0 I9 F
Pour hot water into the baking pan with the pudding cups, the height of the hot water is 1/3 of the pudding cups
' p4 x* G, V8 C將布丁放入預熱到170℃的烤箱,烘烤15分鐘~20分鐘) O) Q* Y' D- V/ t, _% }6 y# k
Put the pudding in an oven preheated to 170°C and bake for 15-20 minutes
" l( c* U2 J0 ?% b# B+ X9 i烤好的焦糖布丁取出放至完全冷卻,再放入冰箱冷藏
) x9 ]# V E3 A( O: ^Take out the baked creme brulee and let it cool completely, then put it in the refrigerator1 i( m9 C5 j' J# O- X& D2 f
冰鎮過後的布丁用湯匙壓邊緣,讓布丁與布丁杯分離7 d, R. L0 G, z7 v B, c
Press the edge of the chilled pudding with a spoon to separate the pudding from the pudding cup4 c; t! w O- V
將布丁倒入盤中1 s- v. U& \: @1 x$ }' B
Pour the pudding into a plate
8 i0 _, u6 F" a, d加上裝飾~法蘭焦糖布丁,完成
1 M1 }& z' P% V% IAdd garnish ~ flan creme brulee, done
7 q' z: i% w. p" Q/ c9 ?/ z+ ~, d4 X8 {' B