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[英文] 励志英文美文精选:Clinton Published His Farewell Speech  克林顿发表离职演说 [複製鏈接]

励志英文美文精选:Clinton Published His Farewell Speech  克林顿发表离职演说# U4 J  \  ?$ s8 r3 P9 H
8 O( S* z2 u' f
  Because the world is more connected everyday in every way, America's security and prosperity require us to continue to lead in the world. At this remarkable moment in history, more people live in freedom that ever before. 0ur alliances are stronger than ever. People all around the world look to America to be a force for peace and prosperity, freedom and security. The global economy is giving more of our own people, and billions around the world, the chance to work and live and raise their families with dignity.8 Q; u) a# H9 c* Y
& ?; Z- a$ I% V$ L5 D  But the forces of integration that have created these good opportunities also make us more subject to global forces of destruction, to terrorism, organized crime and narco-trafficking, the spread of deadly weapons and disease, the degradation of the global environment.; O% T1 y& _" \- V- d1 {
( U5 X: \1 C& I, s0 a3 _  The expansion of trade hasn't fully closed the gap between those of us who live on the cutting edge of the global economy and the billions around the world who live on the knife's edge of Survival. This global gap requires more than compassion. It requires action. Global poverty is a powder keg that could be ignited by our indifference.$ [4 m- j9 D) {( [6 D0 K7 m# E5 t
  尽管世界贸易不断扩大,但它没能缩小处于全球经济繁荣中的我们同数十亿处于死亡边缘的人们之间的距离。妥解决世界贫富两极分化需要的不是同情和怜悯,而是实际行动。贫穷有可能被我们的漠不关心激化而成为火药桶。0 C3 v  f" t+ d" ]. V
  In his first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson warned of entangling alliances. But in our times, America cannot and must not disentangle itself from the world. If we want the world to embody our shared values, then we must assume a shared responsibility.# r$ D3 B. }' A+ _. d$ o
  托马斯·杰弗逊在他的就职演说中告诫我们结盟的危害。但是,在我们这个时代,美国不能,也不可能使自己脱离这个世界。如采我们想把我们共有的价值观赋予这个世界,我们必须共同承担起这个责任。5 F9 y) l1 @6 G
  If the wars of the 20th century, especially the recent ones in Kosovo and Bosnia, have taught us anything, it is that we achieve our aims by defending our values and leading the forces of freedom and peace. We must embrace boldly and resolutely that duty to lead, to stand with our allies in word and deed, and to put a human face on the global economy so that expanded trade benefits all people in all nations, lifting lives and hopes all across the world./ Q$ Y1 R* G/ N5 r- ^4 [* p4 Y; I. \
  如果20世纪的历次战争,尤其是新近在科索沃地区和波斯尼亚爆发的战争,能够让我们得到某种教训的话,我们从中得到的启示应是:由于捍卫了我们的价值观并领导了自由与和平的力量,我们才达到了目标。我们必须坚定勇敢地拥抱这个信念和责任,在语言和行动上与我们的同盟者们站在一起,领导他们按这条道路前进;循着在全球经济中以人为本的观念,让不断发展的贸易能够使所有国家的所有人受益,在全世界范围内提高他们的生活水平和实现他们的梦想。$ M- e) n) a( @! _: _
5 L6 b3 d" n) K2 f. v, p
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